Monday, October 11, 2010

broken heart......READ THIS

When a relationship comes to an end, it can be considered as one of the most painful events in a person's life. If we are not ready for a break up, we might get a feeling of being pushed straight to the cliff.

People who experience break up feel lonely, broken and alone. Every romantic relationship starts with high hopes and dreams. Plans were created by the couples together. If this relationship comes to an end, both parties feel failure, frustration and regrets.

Dealing with a broken heart is hard. It leaves you helpless and keeps your energy level low. However, you cannot live your entire life in grief. Instead, stand up and find the most comfortable ways for you to get over the heartbreaking incident.

Reality hurts and accepting the fact that the relationship has to end is painful, but you have to accept the fact that there are things in life that are not meant to be. By doing this, you will have the courage to move forward.

Destroy memories of the past. After a painful breakup, most of us stay on a state of illusion that the broken relationship will be fixed on its own. However, it is best to stay focused and start moving on. One of the best ways to do it is destroying everything that keeps you in the state of illusion. This means that you have to destroy or let go of the things that reminds you of your failed relationship.

Meet new friends. Although breakup makes you feel that there is no tomorrow, detaching yourself from the world will not help ease the pain. Some feel that they have lost their friends and their identity after the breakup, thus, it is best to go outside and meet people. Joining a social networking club or volunteering in a community activity allows you to meet new people and gain new friends. This will also help you find the person you are after the breakup.

Although losing someone you love from a break up is difficult and moving on seems like so hard to do, it is best to keep on living the life the way you should. Moving on may take forever but time heal all wounds.

Try all these....or try anything new happy and make others happy

always remember GOD is with you..


  1. its ri8......................but its very hard and quite impossible.............. how do v get ovr our feelings..............

  2. @neha - everything is possible with right approach..
